Tuesday 31 January 2012

Ashley Who?

     After getting her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, the first thing Ashley decided to do was to tweet. "I GOT ACCEPTED TO HOGWARTS!!!" Ashley has a passion for the website Twitter, like the love of a mother would have to her new born son. People in the muggle world love to read her tweets. With 128 followers, she has to keep them updated somehow when she leaves to the magical world. With her purple suit cases, to match her favourite colour, she heads on her way to Platform 9 3/4. As Ashley is an emotional girl, she starts to tear up while saying good-bye to her very loved brother, who is bald, Shawn. On the train to Hogwarts, Ashley stumbled apon a young chap, Sayre Potter. She took quite the fancy to his last name, and he did to hers. After a few hours of talking about how excited they are to take French and how they'll "Skype" all the time, they decided they would switch their last names. Ashley Lariviere, became Ashley Potter. Sayre Potter became Sayre Lariviere. A few months past, and Christmas, Ashley's favourite holiday came around. She mostly worked at Subway during the holidays to save up enough money to go to Shanghai, China during her summer off. It was always her dream to go there. Although she hated working there more than the hate Superman has for Lex Luther. While learning some pretty cool spells, she used the spell "wingardium leviosa", the levitating spell to move things in her dorm room around, because she's too lazy to actually move herself. The end of the year came a little bit to quickly for Ashley, but she was happy with her year, and happy that she found herself an amazing friend, Sayre Lariviere. Before they said good-bye for the summer, Ashley said to Sayre "Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings."

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